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How do I delete my listing on Depop?
- First, you will have to log in to your account and from there go to the page named ‘my listings ‘
- Besides the listing, you wish to delete you will find the delete button. Click on it.
- The message confirming your process will appear, asking you whether you are sure of deleting the listing
- Select the option of ‘yes, delete it ‘and you are done.
How on the depot app do I delete an item?
To delete any listening or item on Depop follow these steps
- Open the app
- Find the post of the item you want to delete
- On the right-hand corner of that post box, you will find 3 dots click on it
- Then a pop-up box will appear
- After that click on the trashing icon to delete your items
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Some questions related to the topic?
1. How much does it cost to list an item on Depop?
No money is required on Depop to list an item. you will just have to select the list and provide information about the item which you wish to sell.
2. How can I list my item on Depop?
To list an item on Depop, you will have to create a listing that goes to the ‘list ‘option on your profile. You can also go to the website and then click on the option of ‘create a listing ‘and you are done.
3. What information should be included when you list an item on Depop?
When you are listing an item there are a few things to note such as a clean and straightforward title, a clean photo, and a reasonable and just price. along with any specific detail that is required for the customer to know.
4. Is listing items free on Depop?
Yes, a listing of items is free on Depop. you will only have to pay a small commission when your listed item gets sold.
5. Is it hard to sell items on Depop?
Depop is an online platform for selling and buying things such as clothes, accessories, and artwork. And to answer your question it is not hard to sell on Depop it is easier to sell on Depop compared to other online marketing platforms such as eBay or Amazon.
You will just have to make sure of a few things such as your account is set up correctly and your profile is complete also that the item’s description is clear and well written along with a high-quality picture.
6. Is any type of commission taken by Depop?
Depop is a commission-free platform which means that they do not cut off any sales made on the app.
7. On Depop, how often should I post?
The best way is to post between one to three posts in a week, too many posts can make your followers overwhelmed or bored and too few posts can reduce not only people following you but also your sales.
8. On Depop, which time is the best to post?
There is no accurate answer to this question as it may or may not work for everyone. The main rule is to post when the target audience of your listed product will be online. For example, if you are targeting children or young minds then evenings and weekends are a perfect time.
9. How can I make more money on Depop?
To make more money while selling your item, you will have to make sure of a few points such as a good and clean picture of the item, a proper and honest description, and a fair and reasonable price that is not too high or low and the last thing is patience while negotiating with customers.
10. How to use Depop like a pro?
A good and clear picture of the item, proper and honest description, and a fair and reasonable price that is not too high or low the last thing is patience while negotiating with customers is all you will need to make sure while selling.
11. Do hashtags work on Depop?
Yes, hashtags do work on Depop however they are not as efficient as they are on other social media. Since Depop is a niche platform it has a lower reach but you can still use hashtags to boost your post so more people can see your item.
12. What happens after something is marked sold on Depop?
When any item is marked sold on the app, then the app sends the buyer and seller information in their internal messaging system. After that, the buyer has 24 hours to contact the seller and agree on the mode of payment and shipping info. Once they are finalized, the sale is complete and the money is transferred from the buyer’s account to the seller’s.
13. How can I mark an item as sold?
For that go to the top right corner of the post of the item which is sold, there you will see three dots click on it
After that a pop-up box will appear then you will find an option that allows you to mark an item sold. Click on that.
Hope this article helps.