Can you delete someone else’s comment on TikTok?

No, you cannot delete someone else’s comment you can however report it

If you wish to delete a comment of your own then follow the steps.

  1. Open the TikTok app
  2. Find the TikTok from where you wish to delete your comment
  3. Find the comment that you wish to delete
  4. Press down the comment you want to delete and then a delete option will appear, click on it and you are done.

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Some questions related to the article:

1. How do I delete someone else’s comment?

A comment can be deleted in several ways. The easiest way is to select the comment you wish to delete and press on the three-dot next to it and then choose the option to delete it.

2. As a TikTok creator can I delete the comment?

The new feature introduced by TikTok allows tickets to deal with internet abuse. This feature allows the creator of the content to delete single as well as bulk comments on their video. They can also block people.

3. Is it possible to delete comments on someone’s TikTok who has blocked you?

A user can delete up to 100 comments or even blacklist them and report them by long pressing the desired comment and then tapping the pencil symbol.

4. How can I delete comments on TikTok?

Start by opening the comment thread, you will only be able to delete the comments that you have made. After selecting the message click on the delete option from the drop-down menu and you are done.

5. Is it possible for someone else to delete my comment on TikTok?

By hiding a comment on Facebook, you will be able to prevent it from being seen by another user. however, the user will be aware that the bad remark has been removed if they look it up otherwise, they won’t be informed

6. Can I delete a comment made by me on someone else’s Instagram?

Yes, start by opening the app and long press the comment that you want to delete (in case of android) and swipe left (in case of iOS). confirm the process and click the transit option.

7. What is the meaning of limited comments on TikTok?

That means that the comment section is limited to friends and close ones chosen by the user and the creator. the person can select who they want to allow to comment from the drop-down menu such as everyone, friends, or none

8. How do I find the person who is reporting me on TikTok?

The method is not very easy and simple. The reporting process on social media is usually anonymous and therefore it can not be very clear as to who might have reported you if you are reported on too many times then the post, as well as the account, could be deleted.

9. Can I get banned from TikTok if I report too many videos?

Even though it is recommended not to report too many videos, if you have reported many videos and they turn out to have no problem or nothing offending then your account could suspend therefore making you the person who will not have access to the social media platform

10. How can I report a comment on any mobile app?

To report the comment, long press the comment as long as a small menu appears on the screen over there you will find a ‘report’ option click on that.

11. Who can comment on my TikTok videos?

If your account is private that means only your followers can comment, this is the case only if you have turned on the comment and have allowed followers to comment you can change this setting to only allow your selected ones to comment or even turn off the comment section.

12. How do I add the tik Tok QR code to my channel?

Tik code is a unique code that can be used to promote your channel for which you will have to go to the menu bar next to the name you will find three dots, tap it then click on the ‘manage account ‘option. select the option of ‘select my timecode and then save the QR .and use it as a marketing tool to allow people to find your account.

13. What is meant by ‘friend’ on tik Tok?

On TikTok’s friend is referred to as the person who follows you and you follow back.

There is an option that allows only your ‘friends’ to comment any ways to turn that off by going to settings and selecting to turn your comments off.

Hope this article helps.

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